বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৩ এপ্রিল, ২০২০

Is binany option is a scam or gambling?

Binany option trading review.know the reality of binany option.. 

Dr Abhishek Hasan ::review(binany trading)
I am a full-time medical student and I trade binary options making about 2-7 bets weekly. It supports my living costs, but I live in central Europe now, so they are not that high. It takes me about 20 minutes a day to analyze the market, for making a proper bet and I only take bets where the odds are greatly in my favor. This is why only 2-7 trades per week, people usually just go for the 1-minute bets, big mistake.

Now, I know you have heard that binary options are probably a scam. Complete bollocks. They were some brokers but this does not happen anymore. Most do not understand what Binary Options are. For some, it is like going to a casino, but if you understand the markets, the odds are greatly in your favor.

Now, it took me some time to get to this point. If you're trying to become a millionaire, it won't happen. But I do make about $400 - $2000 per week now. Which considering where I live now, where $1000 per month is considered an average salary, is a really good income.

If you are interested in Binary Options, you should first get to understand Forex market, because the underlying assets that you are betting on are the same. There is a difference between Forex and Binary Options trading, I don't want to get into the details here, google can save you. Do not use Robots in binary trading!!

Now how does this relate to becoming a millionaire? Well, understanding Forex markets means you actually (or you at least one should) understand how other markets work, or at least how are they interwined. You can not dodge learning in this, otherwise, you'll waste your money.

I am now a final year medical student, I have earned about € 20.000 per year in the last 3 years since I started learning and trading.I now I am not even close enough to a millionaire, but I am on my way. And this is the way for me, knowledge about markets gives you so many ways to invest your money, it is crazy...
★★Mohit Sharma :--(review)
Nothing but fake.

Yes, It's a fake one. Don't deposit your money you will loose for sure, I placed withdrawal request and after 5 days they rejected. Again I tried to withdraw amount then they increased the withdrawal limit to 3K. It totally cheating. Even the customer support number they gave on customer agreement section 12, it's also a fake number. It's invalid number. Please don't waste your time and money.
★mr skims:--(review):--
In finance, binany option is a type of option in which the payoff can take only two possible outcomes,either some fixed monetary amount (or a precise predefined quantity or unity of some assets)  or nothing at all (in contrast to ordinary fiancial option that typically have a continuous spectrum of payoff)

Some foreign brokers allow traders to exit trades before the binany option expires,but most do not. Exiting a trade before expire typically results in a lower payout (specified by broker) or small loss,but trader Won't loss his full investmen..
Thank you..

★★Now decision is your. Would you say yes to binany option or no..👍

বুধবার, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০২০

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